
At the heart of the Hager API is the notion of  installation.
An installation refers to an “ecosystem” supplying a solution for a customer.
An installation can be composed by : one device like a smoke detector .
In this case it is like an IOT directly link to the Hager cloud. many devices working together such as an alarm.
In this case, the system includes the central Controller, its detectors, sirens, remote commands, …. 
All the devices speak to the central Controller which in turn speaks to the Hager cloud.

An installation will have some other properties, such as:

A friendly name = “My House”
A location = “adress”
And very important, the type of the ecosystem,    installation-Code = “domovea” or “eone” or ….

An installation is not a site. In other words, in the same
site, building, place, house, structure, whatever, it could have many installations. 
Another point, a user can have
many installations. Some will be in the same house, and others will be in other
places, so the notion of
multi-site could exist. An installation is not necessarily a Hager product,
from a wording point of view, it can be from another manufacturer (for instance a Hue installation)